“No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship.” — James Corner
Children are like sponges, that absorb everything around them, with no filter for the good or the bad. As adults, we have learnt to be cautious about the unknown. We form prejudices and preconceived notions about the people around us, to keep away from unhealthy relationships.
But to a child, everything is an opportunity for new information. While it is valid to fear the unknown, when it comes to protecting your child, it is important to keep their individuality intact while doing so. And what’s the very first step to learning how to ‘form new relationships’? Love in the family.
Families that have love in them
The very first bond a child forms is the one with the caregiver. As parents it is important to understand that the relationship children form with them will be the foundation of the relationships they form in the future, for the rest of their lives. No pressure needed, it is quite simple to integrate ways to make your child feel loved and understood, acceptance & respect from a family is the best way to shape a happy, empathetic individual.
Humans, we are social beings
Forming relationships has been one of the most basic ways to evolve, for as long as mankind has known. We are social beings that need to surround ourselves with people that add value to our lives. Children actually want nothing different, but are often misunderstood because children make misinformed decisions. Talk to them, in ways where they don’t just listen by trying to apply your suggestions.
Embracing change
There will come a time when your child is no longer within limits of your understanding. Their behaviour might even be alarming to you as you worry about their well-being, but it is often forgotten that we all go through phases that make us who we are. Love is a physiological and biological need that the child starts experiencing at different stages of his/her life. As parents, the most that is expected from you is words of reassurance and guidance. It is crucial to not shut them out or make them feel shut out. The effort and love invested in them will shape them to be enigmatic individuals with love and kindness.
Understanding a socially awkward child
Most parents are unaware of the effects of loneliness on a socially awkward child. During their growth, parents, in their best interest, allow them to seclude themself as it brings the child peace. But it is important to identify their problems and address them. After all, parents have seen a thing or two that would help a child. But don’t forget to get their attention the right way.
A world through a child’s eye
Let’s look at the world through the eyes of a child. It is one that is filled with wonder and optimism. Children don’t give up easily, as long as they know what is best for them and oftentimes don’t act upon their thoughts if they feel it is unsafe. And this is where parents are needed most.
It is important to maintain a bond of trust where your words are taken seriously. This way, you are not holding on to the reins, letting children see the world through their eyes, while at the same time guiding them with your life’s experiences.
“A child’s mind is not a container to be filled
But rather a fire to be kindled.” — Dorothea brande