The Future of Fun and Frolicking
Adaptability is not imitation. It means power of resistance and assimilation.
- Mahatma Gandhi
As a nation built on a strong foundation of adaptability and flexibility, chapters from the archives of history teach us a lot, given the current situation. While humanity underwent a staggering change in the ways we live our lives, we grappled at the change but still managed to keep at it. What started as a movement to stay fit and healthy, mentally and physically, now challenges us to blend into new ways of living.
The transition is what matters. How we do it, and what we think is important and essential. Entertainment has become a crucial part in our lives as we find ways to engage and connect with people in safe spaces. Experts say the healthy way to move on is to be precautious and make sure the places we visit are safe and easily accessible in the post-COVID world.
Fun and entertainment, now more than ever, is a kindness we show ourselves. From adults to children alike, unwinding in a trusted space is very important for all of us. While we managed to weather the storm with virtual relief, it is time we started blending in and accepting the New Normal with a pinch of salt.
So, when it comes to moving on in a post-pandemic world, how does one adapt to the new set of norms and continue to live life, meet people and make new memories. Yes, it won’t be the same nor will it be easy. But it is essential to accept and live life with a new set of rules, in order to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
- Safe & trusted places to frequent
- An inner circle of people to visit
- Teach children the basics of the New Normal
- Promote mental health among family members
- Get creative and keep yourself engaged
While we successfully adapted to a virtually connected world, to keep the young ones entertained, with engaging contests on our social platforms, we also saw the importance of educating our audience, when it comes to spending quality time with our loved ones during the pandemic.
As a way to keep children and adults healthy through the lockdown period, we roped in our Funbassadors for virtual activities, along with live activities like storytelling sessions and the like to keep our audience engaged and productive.
Catch a glimpse of the story telling session on our Facebook Page
It was exciting to see the participation and constant encouragement received from our loyals!
We also educated ourselves in transforming ourselves into a platform that will play a major role in keeping families happy and safe. With an enormous amount of adjusting and learning, we have made the switch to a post-covid phase with e-facilities to help kids and adults alike, unwind and relax.
Our New Normal Offerings
- Avoiding long queues, thanks to our play card
- Our Fun City app with the latest offers for you to pick and choose from
- Pre-booking options and lots more!
These e-facilities will help people maintain social distancing norms, while at the same time engaging in a healthy routine, we have thought it all through and it goes without saying that safety measures at Fun City are our priority.
Because your safety is OUR NEW NORMAL.
So in the end, it is important that we embrace the change and know that the world will never be the same place again. Truly an opportunity that provides us with fresh, new ways of living life and making merry, as we cherish our families and loved ones!