The Effects of Positivity During Childhood
Children are no things to be moulded, but are people to be unfolded.
- Jess Lair
How often have we felt the urge to be heard as children? To be understood. During this pandemic, children are often lost amidst the other issues parents face. And now more than ever, we need to understand and value our children to make them feel mentally healthy and included.
With all the time at hand, it is easy to slip into negative thinking and which is why it is important to monitor our children for any signs of anxiety or mental unease. The first and most fundamental step would be to make them feel valued, because a valued child expresses himself or herself the most and stays open up to communication, different points of view and positive thinking.
Getting real can help
Sure, it’s important to protect our children from reality, but being transparent with them can also help. Because this will mean that you include them in decision-making and that is the most vital part of expressing their importance. Every link in the family contributes in playing a role, even the youngest ones.
Address their fears
With the pandemic rapidly spreading, children have fears of their own, ones they find most intimidating and life-changing. Talk to them and assure them that as parents you are by their side and that you will support them through these testing times.
Help build healthy routines
It can become overwhelming for children to plan their daily routine with no particular sense of time or direction. It can get heavy and dark for them to be stuck home, as they don’t have a proper outlet. Help them plan their day and invest your interest in their lives. This is the best way to keep them engaged and active.
Disciplining can be done in a healthy manner
While locked in our homes, we must understand that nothing about this situation is normal to us. Disciplining children behind locked doors can seem grim at times and we tend to lash out. But the idea is to remember that this impacts them greatly. We must, at all costs, help them stay healthy menatlly and physically with positive reinforcement of discipline. Don’t avoid it completely and don’t overdo it!
Praise them & deliver your message right
Acknowledging their accomplishments, however small they may be, is like giving them a golden star. Remind them of their achievements and give them a pat on the back. And when it is time to criticise, deliver your message right. It’s a zone to tread softly and as parents it’s important to maintain the image of a friendly, gentle guide.
Help them maintain their social circle
Talking to friends and keeping in touch with the outer world can help children maintain a healthy state of mind. Take some time out of your day to ask how their friends are and if you sense any lack of enthusiasm in them, take the time to talk to them and guide them through their ups and downs.