The Art of Homeschooling Done Right!
Homeschooling can be a tough nut to crack. Most of the time it’s incredibly rewarding, but the effort one has to take to make the experience worth it, can be really strenuous. After all, it’s hard to be a teacher and a parent all at the same time.
It can be more than challenging to start a new routine for children to follow, within your homes. It is hard enough for working parents to reset their lifestyle, which means having to set a space and schedule for their children too might be too much at times. Which is why we thought we’ll share general tips and ideas to keep the balance.
Creating a dedicated space for learning can be rewarding, for the child and the parent. For the child, it becomes their place to be part of a virtual community, they will feel organised. And for the parents? It is a good reason to redecorate!
Before we delve into the topic of homeschooling/ setting up class for children and create a productive environment for them to thrive in, let’s remember that it is important to be flexible and patient with our children.
Find the correct space
The very first step would be to find the spot that speaks to your child the most. While it sure doesn’t need to look picture-perfect, it is best to pick airy, bright and well-ventilated rooms, preferably with a view, that brings in a little bit of the outside. Make sure the spot has the perfect vantage point so it is easy for you to work as well as assist your child — multitasking pays off in the long run!
Keep the mood light and allow your child to experiment with the space a little too, so the space feels personal to them. If you have kids that are much younger, for instance a preschooler, the setup can be centered with a play table and toys. Make the arrangement age-appropriate and personalise it.
Maintain a schedule
Ring the bell for refreshments, when it is time! It can be hard for children to differentiate the space. They will soon start to associate the things lying around their study desk as part of ‘school-time’. So drawing the line between study and relaxing is where parents enter and guide their children.
Also, learn to spend leisure time with your kids, discussing their classes or anything educational that will make the whole experience fun and encouraging for the kids.
If your kid likes to learn with friends, make sure you set up a study meeting, virtually and allow the little ones to catch up on learning and general banter. In fact, keeping your child in constant communication with his/her social circle can be very healthy, when done right.
Working and teaching
Online resources are every working parent’s best friend. Make the most of the educational tools/resources that are available and assign your kids certain tasks that they enjoy as well. Keep them occupied as you sit down to focus on your work. Remember, the balance is very important!
The Extracurricular Activities
You may think this is the least important, but on the contrary, involving children in little projects, even if they are your hobbies can prove to be very healthy. Just moving away from the mundane and getting to work with you, say in a garden or at the kitchen can take their minds off of homework, assignments and the general stress children are going through during this phase.
When it gets overwhelming
BREATHE. Talk to other parents/teachers who are doing the same and pick on some pointers to help keep things in balance. It would be wrong to lash out or have a moment of weakness as children observe and assess and it won’t add up to them, allowing them to conclude that you are unfair.
Remember, they must know that this too shall pass. Teach them to innovate and get creative during this phase and nourish them with love, attention and care.