Parenting in the time of COVID-19
“Children need the freedom and time to play.
Play is not a luxury.
Play is a necessity.”
-Kay Redfield Jamison, Clinical Psychologist
Children are raw, ever-learning and observing. Since childhood in the phase when social structuring and the significance of relationships are learnt, the lockdown has hit children just as hard as it has hit parents, but even more so ‘mentally’. Simple gestures towards your kids do go a long way. So, here’s an article focusing on parenting 101 during lockdown.
This is the golden rule for parenting any given day, but applies for the current situation too. While isolation during the COVID-19 lockdown can bring out many layers of emotions and feelings amongst children and young adults, feelings of not knowing what the future holds, the separation from their social circle, worrying about the family getting infected and lots more, are major burdens on children’s tiny little shoulders, which may slip parents’ minds at times. Kids usually tend to respond to stress, boredom and fear in a very different manner — they tend to get a bit clingy, agitated or withdrawn based on their personality traits. While we realise parents are also going through a difficult phase currently, it is important to not compromise when it comes to our little ones, because otherwise it may also result in permanent damage.
It takes just a little time to formulate ways to keep children occupied based on your family structure. Consider consulting experts if you sense an escalation in your child’s behaviour, otherwise here are some pointers for parents who are struggling to maintain the work-home balance.
Spend some time:
This is a given for all parents at any time. But children need your time and attention now more than ever. Do not forget to check in on the little ones now and then, it could be for some indoor activities or just a casual chat.
Include them in decision-making:
While kids tend to feel lost and purposeless during the isolation phase, inclusion in decision-making for simple everyday activities, helps spike their sense of involvement and togetherness. It could be just about dinner plans or maybe even what movie to pick for the weekend.
Handling teenagers and young adults:
It is a completely different ballgame, handling teens and young adults. With them, it is important to talk about their interests. Be it dancing, sports, politics or anything that interests them. Taking walks, indulging in workouts with them, are all signs that you are leading them in a healthy direction.
WHO partnered with children’s entertainment and education platforms as an outlet for kids to channel their attention and energy. From sing-along videos, featuring famous animated characters to books that were specially written to help children cope with isolation, WHO has integrated helpful content for kids to keep their imagination alive and kicking.
Here are some ways to maintain a healthy relationship with your children through quarantine:
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Now more than ever, the internet has become every parent’s best friend, but do remember that you must control your child’s screen-time as well. It is all about the balance! So plan a healthy lockdown period for your child and handle the crisis as a family, and remind them that we are all in this together!