Celebrating Moms and Mother Figures In Our Lives
It’s not every day that we get a chance to wholly appreciate the impact our mother figures have on us. As they say, there is no such thing as too much motherly love. The concern, the nurture and let’s not forget the hugs! Here’s to giving them the day they deserve (over and over again) because they make sure we have ours every day!
This mother’s day, we’re gifted with a chance to celebrate not just mothers, but everyone who’s showered us with some much-needed motherly serotonin. Whether it may be asking us if we’d eaten or asking us when we’d get home, mothers are not the only angels. It may even be a father who’s had to take up a dual role or a grandmother whose stories and home-cooked food were the highlight of summered childhood. Outside the house, a neighbor may be keeping their concerned eye over us, a friend who waits for our ‘just got home’ text. A mother figure may also be a child, who revs up the house with their enthusiasm and their innocent, unconditional love.
The examples would need an army to be counted and there would still be some left. All in all, mother figures of any age, gender, creed, or nationality must be celebrated. How, you ask? Look no further! All mothers want at the end of a long day is time with you! The best thing you can do is free up your schedule and take her for that movie, maybe breakfast in bed (or the whole day in bed) and listen to her tell you about your first birthday, that time you cried for hours, or the day you were born for the 4783rd time. P.S, they’re also a sucker for chocolates.
All in all, let’s raise it for the woman/man/other who has stuck by us and for us through the thick, the thin, and the all-out jungle! We, from team FunCity, lower our hats for them all. We wish all of you a hearty mother’s day!