Back to School — The Clearing After Chaos
To take children seriously is to value them for who they are right now rather than adults-in-the-making.
- Alfie Kohn
Kids going back to school? Well apart from giving them the ultimate stock up of magic markers, scented erasers, and fresh notebooks, what is the main component we need to worry about? The transition into the new age of schooling.
By gauging the effects of the pandemic and how it has changed our minds forever, we can decide how smooth our transition into the Post-Covid era will be. Going back to school right after the Pandemic withers out will be a challenge, we must prepare our children for. While young minds need more nurturing and communication to come through these difficult times, here’s how we can prepare them for what’s coming.
It’s safe to step outside
For many children, the prospect of returning to a school is threatening because they are required to fight their instincts that tell them to worry about their safety. But to make this transition smooth, schools & parents must make the space as safe as possible. From phycological release of tension to learning in a safe space, children must be eased into the change.
A period for bereavement
As caregivers, we need to understand that it’s only fair for them to sense loss on some levels. Ones that we can’t relate to but in fact is a very important component of their mental state. New friends replacing old ones, changes that feel alien to children, being isolated, all these factors need to be counted in before we choose what’s best for them during the transition.
Independence vs support
Children, when going back to school, step out of your zone of monitor. Is it safe to say they feel independent enough to take the reins? Learn to communicate and support your child(ren) through these confusing times. Let them know more than once that you are available to talk it out.
Make the process fun
And now for the best part, the annual stock up of glitter pens & magic markers to spice up the note-taking process in school. Children love this the most and almost always want to show off their purchases with their friends. Get them their favourite superhero pens and pencils so they can wave it around during class. One little gesture to make things joyful for our little ones!
Sure, it’s difficult to get children used to the idea of pants on a Monday, after a long period of schooling at home, within the comforts of a familiar space. While many mental health issues surfaced and the importance to understand them along with it, we are at the brink of another change that requires some looking into. Let’s prepare for the inevitable and keep our loved ones happy.